Vote For A Better World By Utilizing Digital Currencies 
Vote For A Better World By Utilizing Digital Currencies 
Launching ProducerCoins To Create Worldwide Diversified Seed Bank

The adulteration of the World's seed supply by companies that profit from various GMOs such as Monsanto, Dow, Bayer, Syngenta, and DuPont/Poineer is alarming. Seeds are now being patented by these companies and the right to plant and produce GMO crops is literally licensed to farmers on an annual basis. As a result, the price of plant seed has "gone through the roof" in recent years.

According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Economic Research Service, the average per-acre cost of soybean and corn seed increased 325 percent and 259 percent, respectively, between 1995 and 2011. This is roughly the time period when acreage of GE corn and soy grew from less than 20 percent to more than 80-90 percent.  

Farmers who plant GMOs must sign a contract with these companies and agree to refrain from using any of their production for their next year's planting seed. The United States Supreme Court has upheld these contracts. 

GMOs now dominate corn and soybean production in America. As this trend continues, more heirloom seeds are getting contaminated by GMOs and many hybrids are disappearing completely.

Researchers at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology found the number of non-GE corn seed varieties in the U.S. decreased 67 percent from 3,226 in 2005 to 1,062 in 2010, while the number of GE corn seed varieties increased only 6.7 percent.

Seed diversity is dwindling at a frightening pace while only four companies have consolidated control over a majority of all plant seeds. According to AgWeb, the "big four" biotech seed companies — Monsanto, DuPont/Pioneer, Syngenta, and Dow AgroSciences — own 80 percent of the U.S. corn seed market and 70 percent of the soybean business. They now control more than half the world's seed supply and those numbers are rising. See GM Watch for the full story.

Millions of consumers are outraged by this development but until now, most had no meaningful way to proactively react. The ProducerCoin can become an integral way to individually and collectively participate in protecting the World's seed supply while monetizing ProducerCoins that will be used to purchase non GMO and Certified Organic production from the farmers.

ProducerCoins can be purchased into circulation by motivated consumers to create a worldwide, diversified safe haven for every type non GMO seed on the planet. 

These motivated consumers can simply visit a website that lists all participating farmers and the heirloom or hybrid seeds they offer for sale. These consumers can purchase these seeds in various amounts and varieties using ProducerCoins and have them shipped to their homes or stored by the farmer in segregated containers.

Concept  by Fred Lundgren
Katy, Texas
(281) 599-9800
Vote For A Better World With Digital Currencies