ProducerCoin and EmploymentCoin
A Call To Action
Vote For A Better World By Utilizing Digital Currencies
Vote For A Better World By Utilizing Digital Currencies
ProducerCoin and EmploymentCoin

The initial issuance of EmploymentCoins must begin at the same time that ProducerCoins are issued in each local trade area. To facilitate this parallel issuance, participating producers who receive ProducerCoins will purchase EmploymentCoins in AMOUNTS AND VOLUMES TO FULFILL THEIR LABOR REQUIREMENTS.
Producers will be individually responsible for purchasing EmploymentCoins into circulation at a Parity minimum wage as valued against USD. This distribution must occur within the same trade area and economic cycle as the ProducerCoin issuance.
EmploymentCoins should be simultaneously mined into circulation in each county by each underemployed worker not otherwise receiving EmploymentCoins to reflect the difference between their personal hourly wage and the parity minimum wage of $18.00.
When the hourly wage plus the total value of the EmploymentCoins mined by a worker reaches 100% of the Parity minimum wage for all hours worked in the previous year, no additional EmploymentCoins can be mined by such worker. Initial mining for EmploymentCoins should begin within the lowest paid service workers such as the food service industry. Mining should be promoted by cooperating service unions and non profit organizations.
Customers of sub-minimum wage establishments should be encouraged to buy EmploymentCoin from these employees. Customers should receive an appropriate lapel pin upon said purchase signifying their support of a real living wage.
Concept by Fred Lundgren
Katy, Texas
(281) 599-9800