ProducerCoin and EmploymentCoin
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Vote For A Better World By Utilizing Digital Currencies 
ProducerCoin and EmploymentCoin
Leviticus 27:16

"A homer of barley seed shall be valued at fifty shekels of silver."

1 Homer = 6 Bushels
1 Shekel of Silver = 11 Grams of Silver

50 Shekels = 550 Grams of Silver
1 Gram of Silver (March 2014) = $0.68 USD
50 Shekels = $374 USD (550 x 0.68)

1 Bushel = 48 Pounds
6 Bushels = 288 Pounds

$374 / 288 Pounds = $1.30 per Pound of Barley Seed

Current Seed Price $0.70 per Pound (53% of Biblical Parity)

Calculating Parity Prices

The cost to plant, cultivate, harvest, process and ship each box of Shallots is
$21.39 Plus
  $8.00 Cost Per Box for Land Rent Plus
  $1.22 Per Bunch for owner labor and Magagement results in a grand total of
$31.50 Per Bunch to reflect the full economic cost of production for scallion shallots which have been washed and chilled and ready to eat in boxes of 24 bunches each. 

The Land cost and the cost to prepare the land for planting,  re-mineralization, legume development and maintenance, plow downs, organic soil amendments, Plant stock, weeding, irrigation, allowance for rotational fallow, hired labor, fuel, repairs, interest, taxes and record keeping and producer living costs is considered the full and honest

Parity Price of $48.00 per box of 24 bunches.

The Price reflects an approximate 43% increase over full cost of production

A Biblical Formula
The Parity Price For Barley Seed